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Thursday, August 19, 2010


Burn, Baby, Burn Those Calories!
How Many Calories Does Your Workout Torch?
- By Liz Noelcke
One of the most important components of a healthy lifestyle is regular exercise. By incorporating a variety of exercises and activities into your routine, you can help prevent the boredom that comes with doing the same thing each day. Different activities utilize various combinations of muscle groups and intensity levels, therefore burning different amounts of calories per session.
The table below runs down (on average) the number of calories that various exercises burn, which depend on both the activity itself, and the weight and sex of the participant. Try some of the ideas below to spice up your workout routine. If you work extra-hard one day, take it easy the next and give your body a chance to recover with a lighter activity.
 30-Minute Workout  Female 140
Female  165
Female 190
Male  170 lbs.  Male  190 lbs.  Male 210 lbs.
 Moderate Walking 94  116  138 111  128   145
 Brisk Walking 115 141  166 136 156 176
 Jogging 6.7 mph 419 499 578 505  568  632
 Running 8.5 mph  545 648 750 659 740 821
 Racquetball 250 300 350 300 340 379
 In-line skating 461 548 636 556 626 695
 Swimming 250 300 350 300 340 379
 Weightlifting 81 101 121 96 111 126
 Stationary Biking 250  300 350 300 340 379
 Circuit training 292 349 407 352 397 442
 Jumping rope 376 449 521 300 511 568
 Stationary Rowing 250 300 350 300 340 379
292 349 407 352 397 442
with clubs)
145 176 206 172 196 221
250 300 350 300 340 379
Basketball 208 250 292 249 282 315
(low impact)
167 200 235 198 225 252

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

10-Minute Cardio Kickboxing Workout

Exercise of the Day

Starting Position

Begin by standing with your feet shoulder width apart, hands on hips.


INHALE: Step out to the right and shift your body weight over your right leg, squatting to a 90 degree angle at the right knee. Try to sit down with your butt, keeping your back as upright as possible.

EXHALE: Push off and bring your right leg back to center to complete one rep. Finish all reps on this side, and repeat on left side to complete one set.

Special Instructions

Keep your weight on your heels and make sure your knees don't go over the plane of your toes. Hold your arms out in front of you to help with balance.

Muscles Worked: Quads, Glutes, Inner thigh